Blood Drips using Hair – Eversor Assassin

My Eversor is completed along with his blood drips using my own hair and Blood for the Blood God Technical paint from Games Workshop. The comments and attention this got on Reddit was absolutely mind-blowing. I can not believe how many people must have seen this...

Re-Finished! Ky-ra’

This piece was painted in back in 2013 and since I learned there's a painting comp at Waaaghpaca, I decided to gussy her up a bit. Coming back to an older work is something I've never done before so it provided a little uniqueness to my painting mission for that day....

How to paint Blood Angels.

Painting Blood Angel Space MarinesThis is a tutorial for painting Blood Angel Space Marines to a good table top standard.There are no majorly advanced techniques so hopefully any body will be able to pick up the tutorial and get their Blood Angels painted quickly and...
Revenge for The Blood God – Khorne vs Space Wolves

Revenge for The Blood God – Khorne vs Space Wolves

Hi all,Red Mist here again with the updates on my Khone army as promised.Doc and myself have had many battle over the years, one such game was a confrontation betwwen my Khorne Berzerkers and Docs Space Wolves.After a lot of hacking the Wolves were victorious, but not...

Temple of Skulls and Drop Pod

Well hows about another update? This time we have my drop pod, and some terrain... the Temple of Skulls! I've literally slapped the paint on the Temple of Skulls in a few hours, and its to a standard that'll look good on the table. Firstly though, the drop pod!I...