Orkoid Air Superiority

Hello All I've now finished the last of my models for the upcoming SVA XIII, my dakkajet, "Da Flying Squig". If you're contemplating your own Ork fighta/bomma for the first time then the best advice I can give is that it is quite a large model and there's a lot of...

Da Doom Fortress Cometh

Hello All After a hectic spate of kustomisation, Big Mek Grubnutz has completed yet another mighty war machine for Waaaggghhh! Bluddtoof, and Da Boss is most pleased. This model started out nearly 10 years ago as a lowly battlewagon, though having said that I did...

Space Ork Reinforcements

Hi All Bluddtoof ere, so with SVAXIII just around the corner now, Woo Hoo!, I,ve been beavering away on some new stuff for Waaaggghhh! Bluddtoof. First up another 5 Meganobz to bring Bluddtoofs Bashas up to full strength, these babies should be able to take some...