Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Beyond the Pale Pink Fuzz

Hey drinkers! I'm back for another brew from one of my favourite local breweries. Beyond the Pale is located in Ottawa, only five minutes from where I work. SO super handy, for when I need a fix. So it will come as no surprise when I say there will a lot of beer...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Samuel Adams Rebel IPA

Hey readers I was very lucky to be able to spent some time in Boston recently. Which included a great tour of the Samuel Adams brewery. So what better way to celebrate a great tour than with a beer review. I've picked Rebel IPA as it is easy to find here in Canada,...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Dieu du Ciel Disco Soleil

Time to go travelling my fellow drinkers, so pack a bag and a hip flask! After a little exploring and leaving Ottawa, Ontario behind, I have discovered my new favourite Beer shop in Hull, Quebec (40 minute walk away, crossing the river). But more about this shop...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Rogue Brutal IPA

Hey fellow boozers, I'm continuing my drinking adventures with another Rogue beer. This time tho it's part of their Rogue Nation range. Sporting a very nice logo of a fist symbol, bringing forth images of revolution. Enjoyed this beer at the cottage last summer so the...