Firestorm Armada: Aquan Fleet Painting Tutorial

Our annual local miniatures convention, MayDay, has come and gone. A successful event, and noteworthy because it always has a big silent auction. This year, I won a lot of Firestorm Armada ships (among some other cool stuff). Among the lot of ships, I found an Aquan...

Firestorm Armada Dindrenzi: Biggest!

After what seemed an age I had the time to complete this project last night... work has been seriously lame this week!  Battleship 1  Battleship 2  Dreadnought   Next up for me will be more Circle Orboros minis for...

Special Ammunition

6 months ago I took a leave of absence. My life was getting very complicated and things were reaching a critical mass that would have seen, amongst other things, myself explode like a poodle in a microwave. Things are much better. Still complicated but I am happier....

Firestorm Armada Dindrenzi Commission

Recently I was contacted with the view to paint up a largeish Dindrenzi fleet for Firestorm Armada. My client had a great scheme in mind but we tried out a red aswell as the yellow below on a couple of cruisers to see which worked the best:Cruisers...