by CJ Kilbride | Jun 30, 2014
Six models closer to done! Seven, if you count the odd Tempestus Scion that I added to my painting queue as the rest of the flame troops drew to completion.As mentioned previously, the line troops are a little shy of the adornment seen on the Special Weapon Squad. I...
by CJ Kilbride | Jun 25, 2014
This week finds my Special Weapon Squad finished and based.The completed squad.I used greenstuff to craft the aprons these guys sport. The left over greenstuff went to my favorite all time use of leftover greenstuff: making purity seals. They are a small detail that...
by CJ Kilbride | Jun 21, 2014
Hello, and apologies for the radio silence of late. Life, eh? It sure is fun sometimes.Anyways, silence or no, I have been at work on the Flamer troops from 1st Platoon.Here are the six line troops. Also included is a Stormtrooper Tempestus Scion that washed up...
by CJ Kilbride | Jun 9, 2014
I've gotten a good start on the twelve models I need to complete 1st Platoon. The line troopers will be relatively unadorned where the troops that compose the Special Weapons Squad will have purity seals and flame-resistant aprons.The basic troops. These guys will be...