The importance of dedicated hobby space

For as long as I have been building and painting miniatures, I have had to make due with my office doubling as my hobby space.  It was a workable, if unideal situation.  For one thing, it meant that when I needed to work, my desk was cluttered with hobby stuff.  When...

Deadzone: Progress made!

I finished painting all the Plague troopers although I’m still working on the Stage 1 and Stage 2s, and the dogs. I also have about half the enforcers done, and enough variety to field a few kinds of teams. The terrain is making progress as well! I’m done...

Drybrushing: Finding a balance.

So, I used to frequent CMON a lot a few years ago, though mostly as a lurker. If I had to pick one thing I learned reading the threads by pro-miniature painters, it was that drybrushing is for rubes. It sort of blew my mind at the time, because as I’m sure...
Raven Guard:  Ideas about painting blue black

Raven Guard: Ideas about painting blue black

So, even though my army is Raptors, I LOVE the Raven Guard themselves and I’m finding it harder and harder not to start painting some up. I’ve been looking at a lot of great RG models to get ideas and I think I’ve come up with a method to experiment...

Painting Blood Angels: No Substitutes for Experience

I’ve been getting numerous requests for paint “recipes” for my Raptors and Blood Angels of late; here are both recipes: Raptors: Black undercoat Airbrush: Knarloc Green Castellan or Catachan Green Agrax Wash Athonian Camoshade Wash Deathworld Green...