by The Warlock | Apr 21, 2015
Hey all,Trying to sleep tonight (it's 2316 GMT+10 currently) and I had a realisation that I don't need, or particularly want any more miniatures besides what I have and the last few things arriving by post soon. There's enough to keep me going for years, possibly even...
by The Warlock | Mar 1, 2015
Yo,Random question for people, but does anyone want any/is interested in Dropzone Commander miniatures from the PHR faction? Getting rid of stuff that I'll probably never use. There doesn't seem to be any ebay auctions to base stuff off.There's no-one here in QLD...
by The Warlock | Feb 26, 2015
THE MON-KEIGH WILL PAY FOR THEIR INSOLENCE!!!!! >:O SEND EVERY AVAILABLE VOID STALKER AFTER THESE CRETINS!!!!!! THEY MUST PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES!!!Now that that's out of the way, Hey All,The above piece is kinda how I feel (a bit, though the Eldar would feel...
by The Warlock | Feb 3, 2015
Hey all,CHAOS IS BEGIN TO GROWNah, just kidding. It's been growing for some time now. Gotta seriously think about selling off the orcs and gobbos as this army is basically three armies now and I can't really get into WHFB orcs now. I've sold a fair bit to fund this,...
by The Warlock | Jan 3, 2015
Hey all,Hope you all had a happy and safe holiday period and enjoyed the time off.Today's post isn't about chaos (sadly) but rather about how I'm going to fund my hobby through 2015. Mainly this is due to an almost imminent job resignation as I cannot stand working...