Musings of a madman

Ever have an epiphany? where you sit there and all of a sudden, a realisation hits you completely out of left field. A few days back, this happened to me and it's been weighing on my mind so here it is- off the chest and onto a screen for all to silently judge...

Break in hiatus 2: The Tempestening Scones

Hey all,Firstly, still on hiatus...sorta. Put it to ya this way: I'm procrastinating for an exam >.> and that most of my miniature stuff + paints are packed away in CARDBOARD BAWKSES (no, I won't stop doing that :P). I'll get back to study soon but viewing .pdf...

Goodbye for now, but not forever

Hey All,I'm going on hiatus for a while- there's too much going on (uni/work/life juggling- I'm a clown lol) and as a result there's just not enough time for any real hobby activity. This hiatus will not be indefinite. I will return though...and I will have my...