Echoes from beyond – mid-February to early March

A blog probably reflects the mind of the blogger who runs it, and I imagine many readers of the Expanse read it to know my thinking. But I post plenty of ideas at other people's blogs too, so I've decided I'll start grouping some up now and then.Here's the first...

Towards a new model army?

Many of us feel that certain areas of wargaming can be pricey, some areas increasingly and unreasonably so. A handful of posts from the past few days suggest ways forward.James S at Warp Signal proposed the not-so-alien notion of army sharing...Matt Plonski at...

A few bits and pieces

First, BoLS has a major update on the ongoing GW vs. Chapterhouse case - there's a little more here - and HoP flags up a clever thunderhawk.Second, if you've been having trouble seeing The M42 Project's vision of an improved alternative to 40K, SandWyrm posted a force...