The legendary Thuloid’s gold

If you're reading this, you might be interested in a solid and fairly wide-ranging batch of discussions going on at Thuloid's latest post at the House, all assisted by that gleaming new Disqus plug-in.The post looks at what makes a game interesting and the comments...

Dragons as dungeons and titan diving

My post at the House this week got a bit out of hand, trying to cover just a little too much. I did manage an approach to going inside the big kits, a look at character infection as a way to offset combat, and the idea of living delves and spaces.But I had a lot more,...

In the House, or hanging out in the shed for now…

Not content with one sporadic gig here, I have a first post up over at the House, probably the start of a weekly series looking at what the member blogs have been up to, and going off on tangents.This one covers basing miniatures and how it can be seen as an element...
Where in the world is Lantz – or his AdMech FanDex?

Where in the world is Lantz – or his AdMech FanDex?

The first part of the post title is a classic question, the second because the link to Lantz's FanDex is dead. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'll update it.I was reminded of the Dex partly by this post at Sons of Twilight on the Epic warhound, because...

… then the blogs – now specialist games?

According to epic addiction, both GW and Forge World are winding up production of miniatures for the specialist games, which presumably means Epic, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Inquisitor etc. The new generation producers may be turning up in the nick of time.On that...