Tactics: chaos Warpsmiths

The chaos gods do not just bless our bodies and our souls. They bless our machines: they guide our las-blasts, work our engines, throw enemies under our tracks. Take heed of my words, and consecrate your guns in blood.-teachings of Warpsmith Dragar, Word Bearers XV...

Tale of Two Warlords: Pimp My (Jet) Ride

The Sky Hunter's mind a clash of a thousand thoughts. He was in a strange misty environment, an ice-world. Which was odd, seeing as the war-band was raiding on a sandy death-world. A dream, but so real."Wake me up", said a silken voice, familiar, akin to the...

The Tale of Two Wargamers: A History of Descelation

The tale that surrounds the sky-hunter of Tzeentch starts off as one of loss and misfortune  but by the end, those who listen realise it was an orchestrated fall from grace.Sergeant  Imishra was part of the White Scar legion during the Horus Heresy,...

Mantic Games’ Latest Lazy Sculpt…

Mantic Games! Easily one of the more controversial miniature companies of recent years. They jumped into the hobby-scene as a GW copy-cat. Of course, dozens of other companies trade bits and look-a-like miniatures in Games Workshop’s slipstream. But few have...

The Tale of Two Warlords: Introduction to Destruction

What better way to start the new year than a challenge with a rivalling Chaos Warlord? Exactly, there is no better way...Me and Adam over at Nurgle Command have concocted a challenge: to come up with the best and most feared warlord, representative characters of the...