Blood Bowl Exhibition Match: Orcs vs Humans

A new Blood Bowl league begins at the friendly local game store!This past Sunday was the initial meet-up and what turned in to a couple friendly learning exhibition games. Not all of the coaches were able to make it, but those who did were super nice and fun to hang...

Human Team vs Dwarves for Blood Bowl Season #2

The second week of Blood Bowl saw my Human team, the Titan Bay Thunderhawks, face Benito's Dwarven team, The Miners 69'ers. This was Benito's first game in the season, and my second game; having played Kenny's Orcs last week. Benito had a higher TV (team value) on...

Blood Bowl Season #2 – First Game of the Season

Last week we kicked off (pun intended!) season #2 of Blood Bowl at my FLGS. We wrangled up 7 of us for the season, which isn't bad considering the small sampling we have. I got to play against Kenny and his Orcs. GAME TIME! Humans vs Orcs My starting roster was:...

Heavy Hitters

Here's a little of what I've been working on recently.My enthusiasm for Blood Bowl is still going strong. In fact, ever since NOVA, I feel like I should be playing at least one game of Blood Bowl every night before bed (that's normal, right??). Wouldn't be a bad way...

Blood Bowl Team Updates

Today, I've got a few work-in-progress shots to share for my Blood Bowl teams, a little something for each of them (Humans, Orcs, and Dwarfs).Dwarfs Up first we have the Dwarfs. I really love the dynamic and in-motion look of the models for this team.I focused on the...