Blood Bowl Playoffs: Humans vs Chaos (Round #2)

The Blood Bowl season at my FLGS has been slowly plodding along. Regular season ended early March, and we've been all this time since trying to work through the playoffs. It's like herding cats... Anyway! I finally got in my playoff game on Wednesday. I played Karl...

Painting Showcase: Human Team Blood Bowl Tokens

I had finished these weeks ago but I completely forgot about them. I sealed them and forgot all about it. So, I went ahead and got some shots to show for the sake of completeness. These are the Blood Bowl tokens and balls. The tokens are used for turn counters,...

Painting Showcase: Human Blitzers for Blood Bowl

While participating in Squaduary, I had started work on the last 2 Blitzers that needed painting. I came close to making my pledge for Squaduary, but I missed the mark by a few more hours of work needed. Well, I got in those last few hours and completed them. So, now...

Titan Bay Thunderhawks vs The Kilgorz – Blood Bowl

Wednesday was the last day of the first Blood Bowl season at my FLGS. I only got in 3 of my 4 season games, but I played a handful of friendlies. Friendlies are games against other teams that you aren't scheduled to play. The idea being that you can get in some more...