Beers with Peps: Brew Review- Omnipollo Fatamorgana

Hey drinkers and welcome back to day bottle three of Omnipollo week. This time we turn our attention to Fatamorgana. First thing to note with this bottle is the eye catching artwork, of a setting sun. With the bottle being brown, the crazy bright pink and...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Omnipollo Nebuchadnezzar IIPA

Hey guys it's been a sickly hot week here in Ottawa. Which has had a twofold effect on me- 1). Too hot to blog. I know it is a lame excuse but that's all I've got!2). Drinking lots of beer. Nothing cools you down like a beer. So fix my lack of posts, I'm up...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Brasseurs RJ Death Valley

Hey everyone this is a beer I reviewed last year. Hailing from Quebec, this beer is by Brasseurs RJ and is called Death Valley. The label really inspires images of Death Valley and has a creepy ass Vulture taking center stage. I fear this vulture is about to leap off...