Etsy Store Goes Live

Seen here used to display a customer's massive Warhammer 40k collectionThe Artist of War Etsy store is live. The first product featured is the Detolf Expansion Bracket. A 3D printed resin bracket complete with hardware which, when combined with a shelf material of...

3D Printing: Detolf Brackets

To display my completed models I have a Detolf display cabinet from Ikea. The shelf is great and beloved by the modeling and collecting communities but it has one flaw, a like of adjustable and additional shelves.A search of Google, Etsy, and Thingiverse will yield...

Hobby Room Remodel – Part 3

In Part 1 of this 3 part series I discussed the remodel of an unused den space into my new hobby room. In Part 2 I showed you how I assembled a custom closet library from Ikea Billy bookcases. In this part I'll show you my design and process for constructing...

Hobby Room Remodel – Part 2

In Part 1 of this 3 part series I discussed the remodel of an unused den space into my new hobby room. In this part I'll show you my design and process for constructing a custom bookshelf/display cabinet from Ikea Billy bookcases.The closet in my new hobby room is...

Hobby Room Remodel – Part 1

I've been a bit busy lately. Working on getting the house ready for a new baby has left me little time for working on my favorite hobby. In fact for quite a while I had no viable space in which to work. My garage was overrun with furniture and boxes of belongings, my...