Infinite Perspectives – Painting Misconceptions

 A semi-regular Infinity Blog from Matthew Lyons @ragequitmatt  Far, far later than I expected I am finally getting round to my second blog post. I was planning on covering how I paint my Infinity terrain, as I feel this is one of the most important...

Forge World Mondus Occulum Themed Terrain Battlefield

Hey guys! So I went on a bit of (crazy) hobby binge over the weekend: I built and painted all of this….in 20hrs… :D Can’t explain how happy this terrain and scenery makes me! It is going to be so much fun playing on the table with fully painted armies for 40k,30k,...

Infinite Perspectives

I'm currently sat at my hobby desk, listening to Gunship, undercoat is drying on a piece of scenery, an assembled Nomad Spektr (yes, that IS the spelling) is glaring at me for some thick glue action, but instead I am typing this post.Why?Because, god damn it, Infinity...