BLANCHITSU – INQ28 features again!

I received my copy of the January 2013 White Dwarf today - and was pleased to see that the Blanchitsu series of articles is continuing - and that models that may well be very familiar to you have featured within.The article features the work of Jakob Rune Nielsen and...

Parcels from Denmark…

So I arrived home from work to see a parcel in the post...Within were three figures from Jakob Rune Nielsen: Jakob is unable to make it this year but was keen that he should make some contribution. His Servo-Skull collector should look awesome on the graveyard board,...
Crystal Brush 2011 Awards – Jakob Rune Nielsen

Crystal Brush 2011 Awards – Jakob Rune Nielsen

Today's blog post is something a little bit different.The Crystal BrushLast year, announced that it would be organising a special painting competition, the Crystal Brush Awards, to take place at AdeptiCon 2011. With a $10,000 top prize and $2,000 and...