Something Rotten This Way Comes…

By which I mean, Plague Marines!  As with most of my new projects, I tend to start off with a one or two (in this case, three) test models to help dial in my proposed paint scheme.  Fortunately as I’ve recently painted up a decent amount of Nurgle Daemons this...

Miniature Monday: Lord-Celestant on a Stardrake

A long while since I made an update here, I needed a break I suppose. I won't go into why and what not because that isn't interesting. What is interesting is that I haven't taken a break from painting, It's just that I have had a hard time actually finishing...

Miniature Monday: Freeguild General on a Griffon

Yup it's that day of the week again, missed posting for some weeks now but have a lot of stuff painted and some big projects I'm working on at the moment. Anyway, today I finished my General on a Griffon. Iv'e had this model since it was released in 8th edition (it...

Miniature Monday: Retributors and army so far

Actually finished these two weeks ago but I haven't had time to take new photos, I have almost finished one of my Fulminators (I totally forgot how time consuming the Drakoth riders are!!) and working on five more Protectors as well.Have been ill as well last week so...

Miniature Monday: Retributor Prime

So just a quickie today and an almost totally finished Retributor Prime. Did an small conversion on this one. I added a Tzaangor head from the Darkoth Chieftain sprue from Silver Tower and put some green stuff on. Like the result and makes it a little more unusal....