Miniature Mondays: Bonesplitterz Skull Thumpa

This week's finished model is a skull thumpa for my first unit of savage orruks. With this model, I am 50% finished with the first warscroll of savage orruks. A bit of a milestone for me as I generally hate painting units that are larger than 3-5 models as it starts...

Miniature Mondays: Spirit Host

 Used this last week to finish up some models that were started at some point but sitting on my painting table waiting to be completed.  This is the third spirit host for my first warscroll.  Basing is pretty generic for now, but I plan on circling back...

Miniature Mondays: Pink Horror of Tzeentch

Decided to take a crack at painting a pink horror in more traditional colors.  Still need to settle on a color for the tongue, but the majority of the model is completed.If you are interested in watching me paint this model, check out this months painting diary.

Miniature Mondays: Savage Orruk

The first of the savage orruks has been completed.  Overall, I like the color scheme and really think the olive green works well for the orruk's skin.  I dislike the upper lip and will only use the flesh tones on the lower lips going forward.  I will...