Adpaint Commission Painting

Adpaint Commission Painting

Introducing Adpaint! A new painting commission business setup in Sydney, Australia. Seriously, they are good. Here are some of the most recent commissions:  You can check them out and drop them a like...
DKK Painting.

DKK Painting.

Strangely, Death Korps of Krieg are one of my favourite armies, yet, I don't collect any Imperial armies - Xenos man at heart. From time to time I go on a manhunt for some uber cool DKK minis, here is what my morning search has found:So cool!
#2 40K WarZone Hobbyist

#2 40K WarZone Hobbyist

As last time, to vote for your favorites, you have to do it with this template:3 points: name of contestant2 points: name of contestant1 point: name of contestantAll the contestants have to vote , that way is fairer. Try not to vote with Anonymous nick name...
TSOM: Spacehulk Painted to Perfection!

TSOM: Spacehulk Painted to Perfection!

Wow, just wow. TSOM boys have done it again! Incredible paint job on everyone's favourite: Space Hulk!Check them out:
WOW! Emperor Protect!

WOW! Emperor Protect!

This is incredible. Easily the best diorama I have ever seen."The Last Light."