Tutorial: Making Rivets For Tanks (Rods and pins)

Many vehicles we use in our wargames are designed to be either welded, or more often, riveted. I'll be showing you how to make simple rivets for your custom-make tanks (note, this is mainly for 20mm or bigger, this technique isn't ideal for anything small...

Showcase: Tzeentch Chaos Bikers

Prepare for the burning of rubber and the bark of bolt-shells, the bikers are now complete. Feast your eyes on their gleaming blue-metal steeds, and awesome head wear.After a lot of time being partly build (or un-built in the case of the unit champion) I've...

Picture’s of the Month: March 2013

Again, we find ourselves at the end of the Month. This month's theme was tanks, so here are some of the best armoured battle-creations I've been sent:Dakka Dakka Dakka!-Ork Kill Krusha(Crann Morgan)Recreating history-Pzkw 3 . N(Crann Morgan)For the Plague God-Nurgle...

News: Wartorn UK 2013 Is Coming!

After two successful years, Wartorn UK is back to help entertain us gamer-geeks over two days in summer. The event will take place on June 29th and June 30th, at the Scarborough Spa.For those who don't know, Wartorn UK is a relatively recent wargaming event,...

Tutorial: Painting Glowing Chaos Runes

Dark runes of summoning, protection or cursing are an essential knowledge of any chaotic zealot or hopeful sorcerer. Today's post is all about learning to paint not just regular old runes, but shiny new glowing ones.for this, you will need:-Regular sized...