World Eaters Wednesday #3

 As any army grows over time, and especially over editions, some units become less useful or just left behind altogether. Here we see my Forlorn Five, units that where red hot back in day, but now rarely see the tabletop. The Heldrake (I think) looks cool,...

Backlog: Deathwing

Oh, I hate painting white. I'm just terrible at it. My new and Improved Deathwing  has been built, primed white, and waiting to be painted for four years. That's why it is a Pile of Shame. Finally I summoned up my resolve and tackled the project. Much like the...

World Eaters Wednesday for May

Armored might. It's not all about Chainaxes (It totally is) Some days you have to kill other armored fighting vehicles and/or monsters at range. Or you would like to get across the field faster than running. Or maybe I just like tanks. Blood colored ones with spikes...

Backlog: Bone Tithe Nexus

As most of us do, I have a mighty Pile of Shame. It is sub-divided into three sections: Primed, Built, and Still in Box. You know how it is, see something new and cool, must have it!Then maybe build, hopefully prime if the weather/mood/Warp/primer is correct and stars...

World Eaters Wednesday

Blood for the Blood God. Yep. Those guys. I won my first Rogue Trader tournament with them (4th Edition), and made a Necron player almost cry. It was a good day indeed.Way back in 1991 when I was getting serious about this new game, Warhammers Forty Thousand, I picked...