New Blackstone Heroes

You can't have have a bunch  of new bad guys without some new good-ish guys. The four new PCs and their new friend add some nice variety to player choices. All are nice sculpts with great detail. Most went together with little issue, the Rogue Trader is a bit...

There is a New Cult in Town

Blackstone Fortress painting continues! Now it's time to work on the New Chaos Enthusiasts from Escalation in all their '80s apocalypse fashion glory!You get a Firebrand in his splendid (if slightly cumbersome) Crazy Cult Leader outfit, and a squad of seven Cultists,...

Blackstone Traitors

As we near the end of the Hidden Vault in Blackstone Fortress, it's time to think about what comes next. My Ambull is all set to go, but I had two other expansions just sitting on the shelf. I did some quick building and then it was painting time.First up, is Traitor...

When To Wash?

Some people wash all their parts, some folk don't wash anything. My humble opinion?Like all things, it depends on what you are doing, and with what.Way, way back, like in prehistory, at least pre-internet, the mid-late 1970's, I was being taught how to build plastic...

When Orks Fly

The Sky Waaagh has come. Masses of garish Ork jets descend upon the Imperium.And it is so entertaining! The new plastic Ork warplanes are a joy to build and paint. Carzy Ork fun on the tabletop too, although the Ork 'evy bomber feels a bit under-powered/over-costed,...