Quick project – megaminis.com Grot missile launcher

Looking through my box of abandoned projects, I found this little guy I had totally forgotten about.  I bought him from the same place, at the same time, that I bought my rocket-pack Goblins for my Doom Divers. I thought he was too cool to pass up.Mega Minis is...

Game Board WiP

Some more work on the Zombie Rally game board done today. I tried my hands on using an oil wash for the first time and it worked quite well, it’s going to be interesting trying it out on an actual miniature in the future. Right now I’m doing some...

Heldrake Conversions WIP

A "Fear" of HeldrakesWhile I know they are late to the party, three Heldrakes have been coming together on my desk over these last few days.  Putty, saws, pins and glue, have been working in concert to assemble these beasts in three different poses.  Here is...

Vraksian Maulerfiend Conversions

Anatomical industrialization, with bass guitar string, putty, and hate.I didn't love the Maulerfiend kit. The exhaust ports running along the back of the beast were a bit too silly for me, as were all of the excessive spikes. Clipping and filing quickly followed. With...

Hiking in Nagano: Reference Photos

I meant to post this during the week, but I just wasn't able to get to it. Last weekend I went hiking with a friend of mine in the Nagano mountains. I take a lot of pictures anywhere that I find good textures, scenery, wildlife, buildings...even and maybe especially...