Bretonnian Men-at-arms finished – #steakbet

Just finished this unit of Bretonnian men-at-arms.  I seriously need to get a display photography studio set up so that I don't have to use flash to make my pictures appear visible.  It totally washes out the colors and degrades the over all effect of the...

Fire. And lots of it.

Somebody need a light?Flamers have gotten more useful in 6th edition. My Steel Legion army had none, because in their Great Wisdom, GW never made any for them. Meltaguns either, but I use the Grenade Launchers as Meltas.Many times I had suffered Ork, Dark Eldar,...

Badab Veterans Competition VOTING NOW!

It dawns on me that I completely forgot to post this:  It's votin' time!  The competition is in full swing, and I'm currently in a dead heat, three-way tie for first place. Some great entries! Minotaur by Kiour Raptor by Andy Howling Griffin (Sergeant) by Karitas...

How to model your Company Champion

I like this guy from Forge World, but there are certainly ways to make your own Space Marine Company Champion without going out and buying this model. The pose is pretty cool and I love the stylized... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full...

Dropzone Commander!

First, the good news: I found a new place with just 3 days to spare!  Everything is moved in but still have a lot to do. I also went to storage tonight and grabbed most of my hobby stuff.Bad news: well, there is no bad news!  Best news: I was finally able to...