Badab Sternguard finished!

Here he is:   Click to enlarge I'm hopeful, but there is definitely some stiff competition.  Entries so far look great! For Holy Terra - Because space is scary

Bretonnian – Knights of the Realm Unit 2 – WIP part deux

Finished another rank of the 2nd unit of Knights of the Realm.  Soon I hope to be finished with the two KoTR units and moving on to the trebuchets.Quick update pics!Next updates will hopefully be an Eldar Unit Spotlight and a review of the Horus Heresy: Betrayal.

Badab Veterans Deathwatch Competition

Silar over at The Fallen Princes is running another Badab-themed competition, this time based on the Deathwatch.  At one point I was seriously contemplating a Deathwatch army that would have allowed me to play any Astartes codex simply by changing out the commander...

Jetbike Farseer Up Close

Here's a few bigger shots from the set I posted yesterday: Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge For Holy Terra - Because space is scary