++ Girls and Robots!!! the miniature variety ++

Hello Every-buddy, Long time no talk, eh? Well a lot has been on ol' Duder's mind lately (maybe more about that soon), and I thought maybe I'd share some hobby with you all... Actually these are pretty old pictures but I felt like I need to get them...

Trouble Brewing

Looks a bit like 120 Genestealers.Combined with a pile of resin "xenomorph" heads, custom Giger-style bases, and the airbrush that just arrived at my door, it certainly seems like something is happening.  It would be nice to greet the new rule set with a virgin...
An experiment – eldar jetbikes

An experiment – eldar jetbikes

I had created an early prototype last year (or was it the year before?)… Now I’m nearing completion of the (surprisingly easy!) conversion. The only thing it lacks is SOMETHING just behind the rider. It’s got to be something from the old 3rd edition...

Storm Eagle – model and rules

  This model is just full of win….  It looks great and I’ve already ordered mine.  The rules for it look good too (See below).   A bit pricey, but might be worth it.  I’d want... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full...

The Painter’s Touch – A True Newb’s Hobby Basic Checklist

By Tsweo If anyone has listened to Episode 6 of The Screaming Heretic then you would have heard the Guys of Gaming (sorry theJen and SheSwizzy) talk about the hobby basics. And while they gave out... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links,...