
Well a quick update. Got my Scout Sgt. put together. Sgt Telion with helmets from Pig Iron make for dam mean looking scouts. The plan is for 4 snipers, 4 bloters, 1 Missile Launcher, 1 Heavy Bolter that can be broken down into two squads of Five if needed with Sgt...

Neophytes complete! (well sort of)

neophytes are pretty much done, just need to t paint the banners on the horns and standard flags. I cant come up with any ideas so help me out! On with the badly-lit pics!More to come, thanks for looking!

GW decals suck

GW shoulder decals are the absolute worst things to try and put on a mini. Whats worse is the scouts (or neophytes in this case) dont get thier own smaller sticker so you have to rig-around the one meant for space marine shoulderpads on. Its a nightmare, but I'm...

Predator tank update!

Forgot to add this guy to lineup earlier. Here's one of the Predators I got for cheap:Despite the bad color scheme, the paint was put on well. Since it was smooth and pretty much a grey primer coat I just painted over it with black primer! I know its lazy, but all I...

Minis Progress

Playing a lil' catch-up here, here is the minis I've been working on:Emperor's Champi0n - My version has a huge mace instead of a sword! I also used a WH fantasy head and Sanguinary Guard chestpiece. The new Blood Angel pieces are nice, so you'll be seing them make...