New Blog, New Restoration!

In addition to my Space Sharks, I have started a Black Templars army as well. This time, however, the army is 90% created from my bitz box and 2nd hand purchases of broken/abused/paint caked minis. Not sure what I'm talking about? well, think of one of those "before...


So, my first batch of Christmas presents are in!!  So far, I have come out with three sanguinary guard, an assault squad, a librarian, a terminator captain, and a vindicator tank.  I also have a whole bunch of ork heads.  (Thanks Mom!!)  Nothing...


So it has been a few months since I actually posted anything up here.  With my wonderful new job, things have been a little hectic.  Something about working 10 hrs a day, 6 days a week at a job that is an hour and a half away makes it a little hard to...