Showcase Genestealer Cult Mining Colony

 Hi All,So what did Doc do after completing his Dreadtober so quick? Answer decided to tackle an insane amount of terrain.  So why didn't Doc share WIP as he went?Answer he was enjoying himself too much!   Joking aside the video above...

Necromunda Terrain Showcase

Evening All,Doc back after a long break with a big project I have just finished.  So we have decided to run a short Necromunda campaign as a group.  The first round will hopefully be end of October or early November.  To get ready I have been painting...

Hobby Update, Apologies and Adeptus Titanicus!

Hi AllFirst up a big apology from myself and on behalf of everyone here at Code40k for our lack of activity over the summer! Hopefully now the weather's calmed down we'll all be a little more active.So this will be a bit of an update on the little bit of stuff I've...

Showcase; The Cypra Incident, Watchtowers and Fencing.

Hi AllI've now completed the Watchtower and Fencing project for our upcoming campaign; The Cypra Incident, which will see Space Orks and Imperial Guard battling it out in a swamp initially. I'll go back at a later date and add a few more pieces to the set, such as 2...

The Cypra Incident, more terrain WIP.

Hi AllBluddtoof here with some more WIP on my current project; the fencing terrain for our upcoming narrative campaign; The Cypra Incident.I'd planned a post over the weekend and even took photos but didn't get round to it so this post contains photos from a couple of...