At Offalmongers’ Folly

At Offalmongers’ Folly

I'm going to finish the Arcane Dwellings table at Gorgonmilk entry by entry. This is the first. If you want to jump in, no need even to ask: post here.Here it is then, weird and maybe a little gross. If it's a mealtime, you might want to stop right now.Offalmongers'...

Of Mycorrhizae, Addled Mere & Deigma

If you're an older school roleplayer, skirmish wargamer or 'zine fan especially and you get off on weird inspiration, or if like your gaming material mixed up with a little speculative natural philosophy - if you're a bit of a delver let's say - you might well find...

Creature Caster Maggot Demon, Is It Tempting Enough?

When the Creature Caster Kickstarter launched I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't the only person to say "eh, where did the cool Nurgle-style Great Unclean One-type demon go to?" There was some info in the YouTube videos about changes to some models and it was...