Now THIS Is What I Call A Phoenix

We're all aware that High Elves just received a very high fantasy looking phoenix and it's a model I'd like to paint in the future sometime. It's pretty good. But it will have to wait in line behind this one, which is from Kingdom Death's Kickstarter-funded...

Forge World Incarnate Elemental Of Fire – Out Of The Box

Time to take a look inside the new cabinet to see what's lurking within... And look! It's the Incarnate Elemental of Fire! This is an astonishing model. Simple as that. It's dynamic, characterful and huge. Steve Whitehead take a bow because you have created what is by...

The wombull – a possible new character class?

I read this. And with Saturday's round-up still fresh in my mind, it all started to happen.Picture the scene. Late '80s, the UK, a temple of gaming near a rambling common. A creature looking rather like a Womble elopes with one looking a bit like a Citadel ambull into...

Then they came for the lizards with guns…

Check out this post at Faeit 212 for a look behind a curtain of fear. This time it's Blight Wheel Miniatures daring, it seems, to be inspired by what may be the same old ideas.Have a read of this bold claim: "There are an infinite number of ways in which an armed...