Ork Gorkanaut – A Review

This review is later than planned because my daughter selfishly got sick and meant all my evenings were spent caring for her instead of building the Gorkanaut. I’ve still not finished it but I’m far enough along that I can confidently review it. It’s...

Codex Orks – A Review

The first Codex of 7th Edition and one so sorely deserved, the Orks having been passed over during the 5th & 6th edition iterations. I have no idea why it took so long for the Games Workshop to give the Orks an updating although I must confess the likes of the...
6/7/14: Finished: Evil Sunz Ork Morkanaut

6/7/14: Finished: Evil Sunz Ork Morkanaut

Howdy folks!So I ordered a Morkanaut as soon as I saw the model and, unlike most of my orders, it came in the day it was released! Huzzah! I picked it up yesterday and got right to work on him! I'm very happy with how he turned out, I love being able to knock out the...

White Dwarf #18 – Gorkanaut & Jokes

White Dwarf Weekly #18 is here – introducing the Gorkanaut and kicking off the new Warhammer 40K Ork releases (which, it seems, will continue with Flash Gitz next week). Still, this week is all about showing off the Gorkanaut (and Morkanaut). Despite the...