Motivation – Nervous for 9th

Destination - motivation, route calculating...Directly stolen from the latest episode of Heelanhammer (if you've not listened then do, it's a nice posititve look forward to 9th rather than the usual doom and despair) comes the topic of what impact is 9th having upon...
Hitting the 40k visits mark

Hitting the 40k visits mark

So wow! I just checked my statistics and saw an unbelievable number oft hits there. Over 40.000 visits on my blog! Although I know that most oft the traffic comes from Google and other crawlers I am pretty happy. Even more since I know that most oft the spambots are...
Dreadclaw Conversion finished

Dreadclaw Conversion finished

Wonders will never cease - I actually got something finished!Granted it wasn't any of the things which I've been working on for the last few months, but at least it's progress. The converted Dreadclaw has been sitting on my hobby desk since last January, waiting for...
Sons of Horus vs Necrons

Sons of Horus vs Necrons

 I managed to get a game in tonight for the first time in a few weeks, pitching my Sons of Horus against a Necron army down my local club. It ended in a victorious slaughter for the Necrons, with the XVIth Legion being torn apart by gauss fire, or else utterly...
Harlequin Venom WIP

Harlequin Venom WIP

Ok, so I I've gotten distracted again.I saw some Harlequins going cheap on an ebay auction, so I put in a bid and won a squad. This led to me deciding to buy a transport for them, which led to this:As you can see it's a WIP Harlequin Venom, which is the start of my...