by simmuskhan | Sep 18, 2019
I finally finished my raiders and watchers of karna so put all my Harad army on the board for a happy snap or two (or ten)!This post is just a whole lot of photos of the army, so bear with me =)From a lower angle you can really see the height of the Mumak!On this side...
by simmuskhan | Aug 25, 2019
Random post!I've been doing a lot of scenery and miniature painting, but with time being so tight I haven't (obviously) been posting.One conversion I just did was on a box of Haradrim Raiders that I got (I know, I know) last Christmas - still, better late than...
by simmuskhan | Sep 18, 2013
As promised, here are some shots on the full board with Mumak and some 40k Space Wolves for scale. Unfortunately it was getting dark outside and our light bulbs, though they've saved us lots of money, are too dim for good photos!Here are my currently painted Space...
by simmuskhan | Feb 6, 2013
Took the opportunity yesterday to take some happy snaps of my new Harad army!Here they all are. I've still got two guys waiting to become banner bearers, but apart from them I've got three full warbands now.One Mumak with a crew of 12 archers. One Hasharin with a...
by simmuskhan | Feb 6, 2013
Druzhag the Beastcaller had seen something recently that turned his already insane thoughts all afire. A new creature, larger than any he had previously tamed. He had to have it. He had to control it. If successful there was nothing that could stop him. But how?...