Hobby Epithany

As well as finishing up Damokai (see last post) I've also been working on my Breacher Squad for him to hunker down in.I think this squad may actually win a prize for time spent between start and completion. I started them not long after Age of Sigmar came out. I...

And just like that, my plans are blown… New Ahriman and Kharn

It's been quite a day of revelation in the GW rumour mill, one which is almost certainly going to make my wallet and painting point tally weep.First of all we had the leak of a new plastic model for what appears to be Ahriman. It matches his Visions of Heresy artwork...
Sons of Horus Techmarine WIP

Sons of Horus Techmarine WIP

 I've been looking over all the options in the FW Legion list and I found a hidden gem: Techmarines!I realised that Techmarines in a Legion list can take Rad Grenades and can be fielded in groups of 1-3 Techmarines as a single unit choice. That's not too shabby...