Finished! Baharroth, Cry of the wind

One more addition to the Mymera army painted a few posts back. Bharroth, Cry of the Wind, Kevin the bits pimp put him together and I smoothed out the edges.Enjoy!

What’s on the table?

Many projects, that's what! Kind of a granted on a blog about miniatures but sometimes projects slip through the radar of my blog. I sat down today and realised I was triple teamed. So here's a little moment in time, before the bristles and after the airbrush. It's a...

Finished! Craftworl Mymera Jetbike Army

Usually I take pictures of the individual units when I complete and army but this time I thought it would be fun to try something different. The actual list is many small identical units so at a glance it only looks like three. I assure you it's more than three units...

Mymera Madness, Step One

The last few days have been spent deep jamming on an Eldar army for my buddy's Adepticon dance :) Come along, loyal reader, for a story told by pictures! And words!So lets begin at the end, here they stand at present day, waiting for some brushwork. This post is also...