Infinite Perspectives – Painting Misconceptions

 A semi-regular Infinity Blog from Matthew Lyons @ragequitmatt  Far, far later than I expected I am finally getting round to my second blog post. I was planning on covering how I paint my Infinity terrain, as I feel this is one of the most important...

Infinity Starting Nomads – Part I – A New Force

Ever since Operation Icestorm and N3 hit in late 2014, I wanted to write an article that would break down how to start collecting a Nomads force.  Every time I talk to a new Nomad player they ask me the same questions, “How should I expand my force?”  and...

Infinite Perspectives

I'm currently sat at my hobby desk, listening to Gunship, undercoat is drying on a piece of scenery, an assembled Nomad Spektr (yes, that IS the spelling) is glaring at me for some thick glue action, but instead I am typing this post.Why?Because, god damn it, Infinity...

Hacking in Infinity N3, Part 2 – Programs

I know I posted the first article about hacking in Infinity 3rd Edition quite a while ago but I really wanted to get more experience with the hacking programs under my belt before wrote about them.  Now that I have 6 months of N3 under my belt, including a number...

The Trouble With Morats

Since coming back from Adepticon I’ve started playing my Morat Aggression Force in the local escalation league.  New to the Combined Army and MAF sectorial I of course went over to the Infinity forums to look for advice.  While there I read a number of...