Names for Titans

When reading the Horus Heresy and Warhammer 40,000 novels, there are a large range of names employed for every culture and sect imaginable therein. The Legio Titanicus are no exceptions. The names for titans appear to be sourced from one of several linguistic origins....

Random Name Generator: Greek Sites

Today, I thought I'd try something a bit more adventurous. Following on from the various random name generator lists I've been toying with, I thought I'd have a go at trying to make a Greek sounding random location name generator. From the outset, I'm going to...

Random Name Generator: High Fantasy Sites

Battles and roleplaying locations are not random places. They have names. This can be seen in publications from Games Workshop (e.g., Lion's Gate spaceport on Terra), through to Dungeon and Dragon's Forgotten Realms setting. So, following on from my posts about random...

Name Generator for Supercomputers

On the odd occasion in both real-life and science-fiction roleplaying games, computers will require names. This is particularly true of supercomputers, or computers hosted within one organisation that need to be differentiated from one-another ... rather than them all...