The first 8 Chaos Cultists are complete!

Khorne would be pleased...that is his number right? Speaking of: Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows... They look kinda like an IG Penal unit that got the better of their captors...Conveniently, the battlefield debut of these...

Days of Rust (Part 2)

In Days of Rust Part 1 I talked about The Doctor's initial work on this project as well as our playing of the Necromunda starter scenario. Excited and rejuvenated by this experience Dr TSG returned to his man cave, with airbrush in hand, and has...

Chaos conforms to no posting schedule!!

Which sounds like a valid excuse for no Monday post right? Right. Notta whole lot to report actually as we opted for a lazy weekend after three weeks solid of waaaay too fucking much going on! Seriously my Beloved Wolfy and I needed the break. The Cult of...

Days of Rust (Part 1)

Welcome back to the Underhive, where decay and rust chart the march of time and industrial entropy. To commemorate knowing each other for 30 years now*  my good friend Dr TSG came down to hang out for a day over Labor Day weekend. He brought with him...

Furnace Jackals – House Goliath Gang.

Life is tough in the Underhive. The first outing of the Jackals saw Zhargo (the big boss) hobbled, and another ganger dying in their next encounter. I've wanted to paint the gangs from the boxed set since I bought it last year. A campaign was just the tonic...