Necron Deathmark Conversions

Nick speaking,Now that my Necron Pariah models are standing in as Lychguard rather than Deathmarks as I had been using them. I thought it was about time I got some actual Deathmark models built. I think you know by now that I am a bit of a sucker for Necron green...

Iron Man Necron Showcase

Nick speaking,Here is the Iron Man conversion I did all painted up. I didn't put too many hours into him, but I had a lot of fun with this miniature...

Iron Man Necron Conversion

Nick speaking,Just a quick image of a little Iron Man conversion I recently did out of a Necron Immortal and a few bitz, just got to paint him up now...

Transcendent C’tan Walker Showcase

Nick speaking,Here is the Necron Transcendent C'tan conversion that I did with the mini I received from my good buddy and fellow YouTuber, TheJankmaster. I had great fun building and painting this minis, and I think he he going to look great on the table with the rest...

Trancendent C’tan Walker Conversion

Nick speaking,I recently received a very special gift from my good buddy and fellow YouTuber, TheJankmaster. It was a mysterious Epic Titan mini, that he had picked up in a trade somewhere. Jank took it apart and stripped it down for me and then sent it in my...