by Da Masta Cheef | Aug 5, 2020
I have a whole sheet of these decals, none of which have been used.I'll remedy that...someday.Several folks have inquired about the fate of My Beloved Wolfy's Fem Fa'Tau army. Locally her army was infamous for a time though it has been inactive since the end of 7th...
by Da Masta Cheef | Jul 30, 2020
I present to you, Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Oblivi'Anna:The default choice for that marine helm is of course the space wolves, but ya never know in who's colors I'll actually paint it in. Some miniatures earn their names in the heat of battle, others...they just...
by Da Masta Cheef | Jul 27, 2020
Yes, I'm certain Baxter is back there wishing he couldjump up on the railing and knock this off! I've been struggling a bit to find the want to paint, though I have managed to do so here and there. Currently (as you can see), da' bomma is a multi-colored mess...
by Da Masta Cheef | Jul 16, 2020
o/He'z gotz da oomies in iz' cross'airs!I had just enough primer to fully coat both the base and bomma, though not the actual bombs. WiIll have to prime them in some other color I suppose. Speaking of Da Boyz, plans are in motion and hopefully Neverness and I will be...
by Da Masta Cheef | Aug 30, 2019
o/(kicks the dust off of this ol' blog to see if its still alive...)So, the State of my 40k, my on-again off-again series where I usually just whine/rant about 40k. Rather than just focus on any one army this time I think I'll just do an overview of all of them. Big...