An Early Happy New Years!

Im going to get this in early doors today as I doubt i'll be seeing in the new years haha, the missus and I are knackered from decorating all day and have been up since 3.30am with gitish children!So I wish all my friends, clients, fellow bloggers and casual...


As it’s 1st January 2014 I thought I would write a post, like last year and the year before, listing my new year’s resolutions. Looking back at last year’s resolutions I didn’t do too badly. I did become a dad. The Shell Case Shorts Anthology...

Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Years boys and girls!Hope you all had a good night, we had friends over with their kids but us adults were getting tired so we changed the clocks at 1030 and celebrated at 11pm haha2013 was a great year in my life, not just for painting; I changed jobs and...

Nine months of Justice!

Nine months into the year and its time for a recap on the years painting progress:Ive sold on most of my Thornfall Alliance army for hordes, i'd used them solidly for 3 years and was ready for a new challenge in the Convergence of Cyriss... there was no way I was...

Six months in

The year has flown by! My girls are 14 months old, I'm in a new job and my fiancé is starting up her own admin assistance business called Earlybirdy!As I mentioned in a previous update, I started the year with 139 models left over from 2012... its now down to 12 haha,...