Battle Report – Achtung Panzer!

Afternoon we've been playing games and the inaugural game in Shed 2.0 is one we've never played before - Achtung Panzer! No I don't know why we chose it either but Ben wanted to try it and however it plays it looks cool. Now I've called this a battle report, but we...

Warmachine: Shyryss and Bellighul

Finished these off last night, the Warlock Shyryss painted as Lucario and Master Bellighul painted as Ash Ketchum haha:Closing in on the end of this project now with just the light infantry guys to go!

Warmachine: Wyrmspire Shadowmancers

 Next up is the Khymaera support unit of Wyrmspire Shadowmancers:Again painted as a tribute to Milotic haha, these bring the fury management to the faction and will be very handy!