Taurox 02

This week has been a mix of building on Opus and getting some base layers done on the Taurox. So far it has mainly been drybrushing and washing. Not to much to say really. I am happy with how it is turning out. Once I am done with theses layers I will go in with some...

Turnip28 – 5th Deathcap Line Infantry Tester

 It's been quiet on the Mumblings of late. I've been deep in the mud of Cyst, the setting for the eccentric, delightful game; Turnip28. A dystopian Napoleonic body horror wargame with vegetables. I've spent the last couple of months assembling a regiment of...

Trench Crusade: New Antioch Pt 1

I've printed off the models for a New Antioch warband now, and am slowly getting through them for painting! Here's the first bunch:Trench PriestSniper Priest and MedicHeavy Mechanized TrooperLieutenantI have six Yeomen / Stormtroopers ready to go next!

It’s like waiting for buses.

  Y'know, you're there for ages and then two or three turn up at once*.So GW have decided to expand their plastic DKK line and also launch plastic warp spiders and pheonix lords at around the same time.  And there are plastic striking scorpions I havn't...

Primaris Deathwatch Desolators – Done!

 Hello one and all!This weeks offering to the Hive is 10 Deathwatch Primaris Space Marine Desolators. These guys have been altered, from the Nerf gun welding marines, to something more stylish in my eyes.I had thought of moving the main missile weapons to the...