A Weekend of Gaming Part 2 – WFB ‘Its How You Use It’

A Weekend of Gaming Part 2 – WFB ‘Its How You Use It’

Next weekend, Saturday March 8th is a small friendly tournament at Next Dimension Games using Adepticon's 'Its How You Use It' WFB Tournament guidelines. For those that don't know, the 'Its How You Use It' format is 1000 points, which in WFB is generally considered -...
A Weekend of Gaming Part 1 – 40K Zone Mortalis

A Weekend of Gaming Part 1 – 40K Zone Mortalis

I had a big weekend of gaming. So as not to overload you with photos all at once, we'll focus on Saturday's gaming. My friend Brian Parisi has volunteered to provide a couple of Zone Mortalis tables for the 40K Warzone Tournament at Adepticon this year. I hadn't seen...
Artists Wanted for Broken Contract

Artists Wanted for Broken Contract

I'm looking for up-and-coming and established artists willing to help me get my miniature board game off the ground. I need people willing to work with me to flesh out concept sketches to base miniature sculpts off of and I need finished character art, box art, and a...
Updated Blog and Moving Forward on Broken Contract

Updated Blog and Moving Forward on Broken Contract

My original blog was called Redemptors of Golinar, referencing my unique Imperial Guard army I had created. Going full circle in a way, these very same infantry models have been drafted into service as proxies to play test Broken Contract.I've been a really busy guy...