Eldar Knight #2 – Who shot first ?

 I present you my second eldar knight.Customer asked to have two guns options.First one : two shuriken canonsSecond one, thanks too magnets, can be easaly swaped.This one is cheesy, with a big cannon and a buckler.Both configurations have magnetised shoulder guns.

Eldar Knight #2 – Here we go !

I'm working on the second knight.This one will be a real chessy one...It'll have two configurations : pair of cannons on canon and buckler.Magnets power !

Eldar Knight #1 – Done

Ulthwé Eldar KnightI'm done with my first Eldar Knight.I painted it with the same color scheme I used on the Ulthwé's Titan Revenant I painted in 2006.The base's the same : urban war.I partially varnished the head, to add some constrast.Side view.I had to...

Eldar Knight #1 – WiP 09

Done !I finally finished this first Eldar Knight.To do next : add two magnets in the rear and take nice pictures.Then... start the other one.