Inq28 – Ogryn Bodyguard Horgg VanDerHuge

Got a few weeks to kill while I await the various bits to start trickling in for the Geno Five-Two, so I thought I'd pull out the Inq28 models and work on them for a while. Any self-respecting warband needs at least one meatshield, which brings us to Horgg VanDerHuge,...

Death Korps of Kreig Ogryns – Imperial Guard

Hello Readers, something a little left field and different from my usual Relictors or Necrons. These are a lovely squad of Ogryns I picked up from fellow blogger Liam at Blue Warp Studios, he was having a clear out via eBay and I couldn't bear to see these models go...
Rise of Xaphan: Vraks Army Redo Part Eight

Rise of Xaphan: Vraks Army Redo Part Eight

The heavy hitters of the Vraksian renegades are closing in on ‘table-top ready’ status. Most of this week’s attention has been on the Ogryns, but I’ve been working on a few other things too.So here’s the Ogryns, which as of now are about 90% done. All that is left to...
Rise of Xaphan: Vraks Army Redo Part Seven

Rise of Xaphan: Vraks Army Redo Part Seven

The idiotic beast just stared back at me though green tinted lenses, dumbfounded at what I demanded. I wasn’t sure if it was all the chems running through its body or its natural stupidity, but in either case, I had to make it more obvious. I pointed at an enemy...
Just a little bit more…

Just a little bit more…

Thanks for all the comments on the last post, very much appreciated! I'll make it another quick post and show you a couple more projects that are bubbling away...The Baneblade is the standard configuration, but I couldn't let the opportunity pass without another...