…and the terrain just keeps on coming!

…and the terrain just keeps on coming!

o/Just another quick shoutout to Patrick at our FLGS: Hobbytown USA who just keeps cranking out some awesome terrain for us to play on! Last night we walked in, started chatting with the gang and---OOH! New table! lol. Here are a few pics:We (my GF & I) got to...
The Red Corsairs in all of their Glory!!!

The Red Corsairs in all of their Glory!!!

So, as some of you may recall, a little over 2 years ago, I was given an amazingly converted Red Corsair army by one of my readers (a concept that still boggles my mind!). However aside from painting a model or two, I never did anything with it and eventually passed...

Look out Farsight! There’s a new Commander in town…

o/Hey folks, I wanted to list some highlights of the weekend's game night at the FLGS. In a nutshell, my GF's Fem Fa'Tau have came of age. Sure she's been playing on her own for awhile now, had some wins, etc. She's no longer always needing to know what is what and...
Salvage operations in progress…

Salvage operations in progress…

o/Waaaaaaaaay back in February of last year, I sank my old predator (the first model I ever bought for 40k) into some simple green. I was planning to strip it of its MANY layers of paint to conscript it into yet another army. At the time the Dark Angels were eying the...
OMG the Terrain!!!

OMG the Terrain!!!

o/Just a quick post that's really just a shout out to our FLGS.Lately the turnout at Hobbytown USA has been pretty good, and terrain has been at a premium. Granted, the terrain we have is really good and there's already a lot of it by most stores' standards (going off...