Reinforcements for Stirland!

...and none too soon I might add...o/So, as mentioned a little ways back, the same evening that Kushial gifted a large contingent of Tau to my GF, Rob also handed me a pile of Empire sprues from an old army of his. It was kinda like Christmas, as we walked in the door...

That’s ‘MISTER Trashcan’ to you buddy!

o/SPOILER ALERT!!!We played another marathon game of Battletech this past Saturday and Hive Angel took copious notes and photos meaning a battle report will be forthcoming. However I can't resist, and need to mention one particularly glorious moment in the game for me...

Its all for the greater good!

Ya know, if this was the Tau symbol, I'm sure most within the Imperial Guard would switch sides immediately!lol, I'll get to that sticker in a minute. First off though, Kushial commented aways back that he had some Tau Stealth suits that he was donating to my GF's...

Tabled by my girlfriend…what the hell?!?!

Yes folks, my record of losing mini games to women continues on, my GF has been wanting to play a game after Murl came over and explained the rules as he and I played a game some weeks back. Murl's really good at explaining things as he owns...